Extra large surreal astronaut wall art hangs side by side in modern black and white living room
Extra large surreal astronaut wall art hangs side by side in modern black and white living room

Two Questions Surreal Artists Get Asked All of The Time About Their Astronaut Artwork

We’ve heard it quoted over and over…

“That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”

As Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon, he spoke these words and inspired thousands. 

So many of us take pride in this quote. 

Because yes, Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin were the first two people to step foot on the moon. 

BUT they were only able to accomplish this feat thanks to the support, financial backing, and unrelenting faith of everyone in the United States. 

The entire nation came together in support of one mission – exploring what is beyond Earth. 

From the original Apollo missions to companies like SpaceX or Blue Origin who are revolutionizing space travel, one thing has remained true…

Humans are fascinated by outer space and astronauts.

Big philosophical questions about space plague us…

Where do we come from?

How did we get here?

Why are we here?

Is there anyone else out there?

Is there a planet humans can inhabit in another galaxy?

We know shockingly little about outer space. We know even less about the answers to these questions. 

And what we know comes from the few people who have experienced outer space for themselves…astronauts. 

Since July 20, 1969 – the day Neil Armstrong became the first man to set foot on the moon – the image of an astronaut has become deeply symbolic. 

Astronauts symbolize hope. 

Hope for what is out there. 

Hope that we aren’t totally alone. 

Hope for our capabilities and ingenuity. 

Hope that by working together, humans can push impossible boundaries and achieve success. 

The iconic image of an astronaut that inspires all of this hope? 

A lone person encased in a puffy white outfit. Their head is topped with a domed helmet and a reflective visor.

The astronaut can see out, but we cannot see in and know the expression on the astronaut’s face. Their thoughts are a mystery to the observer. 

This mystery and ambiguity is a huge part of why we are so fascinated with astronauts. 

It’s easy for you to look at an astronaut image and pretend that you are the person inside the spacesuit.

You feel inspired, strong, and brave.

So, why are humans fascinated with astronauts?

It’s simple, really. 

As humans, we are captivated by the nighttime sky. 

We love to gaze at the stars and tell stories.

We find comfort imagining the possibility that a better life could exist on another world. 

Astronauts are the heroes of our stories. 

As human’s, we’re hardwired to root for the hero of the story. 

The ones who can explore outer space and find solutions for our problems. 

The strong ones. The brave ones. 

The ones who care so deeply about humanity, they are willing to leave it behind to save it. 

But it’s not just the sacrifice and risk that makes astronauts so fascinating. 

The other reason humans are so obsessed with astronauts…the ambiguity. 

Anyone could be behind that reflective visor. 

It’s so easy to imagine that you are the astronaut – the hero – and feel proud of your strength and bravery. 

When you imagine yourself as an astronaut, you are imagining a stronger, cooler, braver version of yourself.

You are imagining the self you wish you could be. 

The Rise In Popularity of Astronaut Artwork

From the earliest records of cave drawings and artifacts from ancient civilizations, we find paintings and drawings of the stars. 

Humans have always loved to capture the beauty and mystery of outer space through artwork

When the space race started in the 1950’s, astronauts became a symbol of pride in American ingenuity. 

Parents decorated their kid’s rooms with outer space art and astronaut décor to inspire them to want to be an astronaut or NASA engineer when they grew up. 

Astronauts and a fascination with outer space quickly became part of our culture. 

The Star Trek series was released in the 1960’s. Star Wars dominated the theaters in the 1970’s. 

We were primed and ready to be swept away and entranced by this new form of outer space art. Our imaginations were opened to the potential of intergalactic travel, aliens, and other mystical planets. 

As technology has advanced, movies and shows about outer space feel even more realistic. 

Think scenes of Luke and Leia in the speeder bike chase from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi vs speeder bike scenes from The Mandalorian

In the early speeder bike scenes, it is obvious to the viewer that Luke and Leia were filmed on a prop speeder bike in front of a green screen (the scene is captivating and thrilling, nonetheless!). 

But technological advancements make it look like the Mandalorian was actually filmed racing through the desert on another planet. Logically, we know that isn’t true. But we also can’t figure out how a movie scene could look so lifelike without being real. 

Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) and lifelike animation technology has made it possible for animation designers to bring their wildest imaginations to life. 

The same advancements in “movie magic” have also allowed digital artists to make surreal artwork feel incredibly realistic. 

Surreal artists use photoshop and editing apps to place astronauts in unexpected and often otherworldly scenes. The artwork is so vivid and life-like it’s hard to believe it isn’t a photo of an astronaut in another world. 

This astronaut artwork taps into our innate fascination with outer space and sparks feelings of wonder and awe. 

Why Is Astronaut Art So Popular Today, in 2022?

If we’re being honest, the state of the world feels a bit…dire. 

From environmental disasters to extreme conflict, it’s understandable that we want to throw our hands up and start fresh on a new planet. 

Surreal astronaut artwork is an escape into a reality that feels simpler, safer, and cleaner. 

Surreal artists use photoshop, CGI, and other advanced editing tools to place astronauts in unexpected places. These scenes feel mystical and otherworldly. 

Often, the astronaut is alone. This captures the essence of our daydream of feeling stuck and alone. It captures the yearning for an escape from our intense reality to another world that is different (and maybe better?) than Earth. 

We interviewed two of our most popular surreal artists who use astronauts in their large wall art, Seamless and CaptvArt to learn more about why they create astronaut artwork and what they think this means about us as a society. 

Who is the digital surrealist artist, Seamless?

Seamless is a digital artist from Puerto Rico who specializes in futuristic surreal collages. 

Seamless has been creating digital art for the past 10 years. For Seamless, creating artwork is an expression of emotion and feeling. Their artwork is a digital diary, in a way. It captures how they feel, their hopes, dreams, and fears. 

Influenced by the big old school surrealist painters Salvador Dalí, Giorgio de Chirico, and René Magritte, Seamless hopes to achieve artwork that is just as stunning and thought provoking. 

To their core, Seamless is an introvert. They prefer solitude, thinking deeply, and creating art.

Seamless’s surreal digital wall art is futuristic. It shows astronauts in unexpected, breathtaking scenes. Bold, vibrant colors and neon signs make this digital wall art pop. When featured in your home, this wall décor makes your space unforgettable. 

Who is the digital surrealist artist, CaptvArt?

CaptvArt is a freelance digital artist who specializes in album cover art and animation. 

CaptvArt has a long list of creative accolades. They created the 2021 MTV’s Video and Music Awards introduction animation and have worked with icons and celebrities such as Kane Brown, blackbear, The Lumineers, Neon Trees, and many more. 

CaptvArt’s surreal artwork is out of this world. It features astronauts exploring and reveling in mystical planets. Their surreal digital wall art is unexpected and makes you wonder about the possibilities or other worlds that are out there for us to discover.

Interview with Seamless and CaptvArt

Astronauts and outer space have a huge influence on your artwork, what inspired that?

Seamless: For me, the astronaut is a metaphor of what we are as human beings. We are beings that travel through space in search of discovering what else is out there, the next newest thing. 

CaptvArt: I feel like I kinda connect with astronauts somehow. I love putting astros in unexpected environments, places you wouldn’t normally think of and seeing what response it gets. 

Why do you think, as people, we are so captivated by artwork featuring astronauts? 

CaptvArt: I think in general people are captivated by space and the unknown of it all. It sparks that creative thought of what’s all out there. What if we all got to go and explore it all?

Seamless: I think that it is a human being’s instinct to explore what is out there, cross borders, and always look beyond what we know. We are always trying to discover something new. 

Seamless: Astronauts are the rare ones who have the chance to leave our planet and truly explore what else is out there…I think that the concept is quite exciting. 

What do you think the popularity of astronaut artwork means about society as a whole?

CaptvArt: I think it shows how much we all love exploring and creating our own little creative worlds. Astronaut artwork brings out the inner curious child in us all.

Seamless: Astronaut art inspires us to keep dreaming. We should never stop and accept where we are. No matter how impossible our current situation seems, there are always new options to explore. If we can take flight, we can find new paths. 

Why do you think, as an artist, you choose to feature astronauts in your artwork?

Seamless: It comes back to the metaphor of astronauts representing us as humans, searching for something in the unknown. For me, it represents a personal journey in my time here on Earth, as I evolve and search within myself.

CaptvArt:  I’ve thought about this over the years and it really comes down to liking that there is no identity tied to the astro. It can be anyone you want it to be. It’s not tied to anything. The viewer can envision the astro as themselves and deeply connect to the piece.

If you could have the opportunity to go to space, would you go? Why or why not?

CaptvArt: Umm…yes and no I would say. I would love to experience it all. But also, I’m not too sure with all the risks. Hahaha.

Seamless: Sure, I probably shit myself a couple of times…but who wouldn’t?

Shop Astronaut Artwork from Seamless and CaptvArt

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